Community Blog

meter gauge for credit score poor to good with a score of 748

5 Ways to Protect Your Credit Score

Did you miss our last seminar- Credit & How to be Smart with it?   Don’t worry…we’ve collected the info for you! Your credit score is a three-digit number that creditors… Read more »

man in suit with beard making it rain with $100 bills

Bad Financial Habits- Kick Them to the Curb

  With money comes great responsibility. Being reckless with those benjamin’s could cause way more problems down the road than not just being able to pay your bills for a… Read more »

Look Out For Scammers!

Along with all the holiday glee comes scammers lurking to spoil that joy. While you might be more open to giving money during the holiday season, there are plenty of… Read more »

Tips for Holiday Savings

The holidays come at ya fast, sometimes at a time when money is TIGHT. We have a few tips to get your money right well in advance so you can… Read more »

Open your Eyes to a Credit Union

Do you know the difference between a credit union and a bank? Truth is, a lot of people don’t which can be detrimental to financial success. In fact, credit unions… Read more »

Budget-Friendly Tailgates

Football season has officially kicked off! With that comes tailgating, camping out, and reconnecting with old friends. Whether you have a few trips to the stadium planned or you’re hosting… Read more »