Make your loan payments online from a credit card, debit card or another bank account.
Buying a home is an exciting and momentous step! PSCU is here to guide you through the mortgage process and help you achieve your dreams. Whether purchasing your first home, upgrading or downsizing, looking to refinance at today’s record-low rates or tapping into your home’s equity to help with a large purchase…we have mortgage options for you.
First Mortgage
Get a great, fixed rate with low closing costs! We offer flexible terms (up to 20 years) and no pre-payment penalty. Having your mortgage where you do your banking provides extra convenience and ultimate service; you can view and make payments through online banking.
Refinance your mortgage with PSCU and tap into your homes equity at the same time to pay for your next project! Want to lower your interest rate, consolidate bills or switch to a fixed rate? We can do that too!
Home Equity
Whether it’s home improvements, a major purchase or debt consolidation, your home’s equity can be a smart financial resource for any project or purpose.
A Home Equity Loan (also known as a Second Mortgage) provides a lump-sum deposit of the amount borrowed into your account. Our Second Mortgages feature low closing costs, no pre-payment penalty and competitive, low fixed rates. Give us a call to learn more or apply!
With a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC), you can use the equity in your home to gain access to a convenient, reusable line of credit. To access funds from your line, simply transfer from your HELOC to your checking account. Apply once and have access to your limit for up to 10 years. You only pay interest on the amount you borrow from your line (variable rate based Prime).
Pre-Approved Loan Offers
Are you already a member at Public Service? If so, you can now get your own personalized pre-approved loan offers online! In just a couple of steps, you can see which loans you’ve been pre-approved for without an impact to your credit score!
Since 2013 we’ve been keeping track of how much money our members have saved by re-financing their loans with us. We’ve hit $3.5 MILLION DOLLARS!! We want to beat your rate and help you save money on the loans you have financed elsewhere.

NMLO# 439269
Real Estate loans only available in the state of Indiana.
We do business in accordance with the Fair Housing Act and Equal Credit Opportunity Act.
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Notice: The HMDA data about our residential mortgage lending are available for review. The data shows geographic distribution of loans and applications; ethnicity, race, sex and income of applicants and borrowers; and information about loan approvals and denials. Inquire in our office regarding locations where HMDA data may be inspected.