Rates updated February 27, 2025

Vehicle Loan RatesTermAPR as low asUsing 10,000
Loyalty Points
APR as low as
Payment Calculator
New & Used Vehicles0-35 months 4.99%4.49%Auto Loan Calculator
New & Used Vehicles36-59 months5.24%4.74%Auto Loan Calculator
New & Used Vehicles60-83 months5.49%4.99%Auto Loan Calculator
*Restrictions: Rates based on using 10,000 Member Loyalty Points. Member must have 10,000 Loyalty Points at the time of the transaction. Increase rate by 0.50% without Loyalty Points. Used vehicles and motorcycles 10 model years or older will be priced at the personal loan rate with max 75%LTV. Loan rate not to exceed 18%APR. *APR=Annual Percentage Rate.  Rates are based upon credit worthiness and are subject to change without notice.  Floor of 3.99%APR.  We do business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act. Repayment Example: A $25,000 vehicle loan for a term of 59 months with 5.24%APR, the monthly payment would be $481.55.
Specialty Vehicle Loan RatesTermAPR as low asUsing 10,000
Loyalty Points
APR as low as
Payment Calculator
New & Used Specialty Vehicles0-35 months 4.99%4.49%Auto Loan Calculator
New & Used Specialty Vehicles36-59 months5.24%4.74%Auto Loan Calculator
New & Used Specialty Vehicles60-83 months5.49%4.99%Auto Loan Calculator

Additional terms available, call for details- 260-432-3433.

*Specialty Vehicles included: RV’s, Travel Trailers, 5th Wheels, Motor Homes, Boats, ATV’s, UTV’s, and other recreational merchandise. Rates based on using 10,000 Member Loyalty Points. Member must have 10,000 Loyalty Points at the time of the transaction. Increase rate by 0.50% without Loyalty Points. Used specialty vehicles 10 model years or older will be priced at the personal loan rate with max 75%LTV. Minimum amount financed requirements for terms over 60 months.  Loan rate not to exceed 18%APR.  *APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Rates are based upon credit worthiness and are subject to change without notice.  Floor of 3.99%APR. We do business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act.  Repayment Example: A $40,000 specialty vehicle loan for a term of 72 months with 5.49%APR, the monthly payment would be $653.30.
Credit Card RatesAPR as low as
VISA Platinum11.80%
VISA Share Secured12.90%
VISA Classic13.90%
VISA DISCLOSURES– This is Public Service Credit Union’s credit card account agreement and it includes necessary federal truth-in-lending disclosure statements, Visa Classic, Secured Visa Classic, and Visa Platinum Agreements and any special instructions regarding the use of a PSCU Visa Classic, Secured Visa Classic, and/or Visa Platinum credit cards, and/or any other account access device.
Other Loan RatesTerm up toAPR as low asPayment Calculator
Personal Loan60 months11.49%Loan Payment Calculator
Credit Builder60 months12.00%Loan Payment Calculator
Share Secured60 months4.00%Loan Payment Calculator
Certificate Secured60 months1.00%+Certificate RateLoan Payment Calculator
Restrictions:  Loans not to exceed 60 months; Loans not to exceed 18%. *APR=Annual Percentage Rate.  Rates are based upon credit worthiness and are subject to change without notice.  We do business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act. Repayment Example: a $10,000 loan for a term of 60 months with a 11.49%APR, the monthly payment would be $219.93.
Mortgage RatesTermAPR as low asPayment Calculator
1st Mortgageup to 60 months6.30%Mortgage Loan Calculator
1st Mortgage61-120 months6.50%Mortgage Loan Calculator
1st Mortgage121-180 months6.70%Mortgage Loan Calculator
1st Mortgage181-240 months6.90%Mortgage Loan Calculator
2nd Mortgageup to 60 months6.70%Mortgage Loan Calculator
2nd Mortgage61-120 months7.70%Mortgage Loan Calculator
2nd Mortgage121-180 months8.45%Mortgage Loan Calculator
HELOC240 monthsPrime Rate with Floor
NMLO# 439269  Restrictions:  Loans not to exceed 240 months; Loans not to exceed 18%. *APR=Annual Percentage Rate.  Rates are based upon credit worthiness and are subject to change without notice.  We do business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act. HELOCs are priced at the prime rate with a floor of 3.50%.  Repayment Example: a $180,000 loan for a term of 180 months with a 6.70%APR, the monthly payment would be $1,587.83.
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Notice: The HMDA data about our residential mortgage lending are available for review. The data shows geographic distribution of loans and applications; ethnicity, race, sex and income of applicants and borrowers; and information about loan approvals and denials.  Inquire in our office regarding locations where HMDA data may be inspected.

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